ISSN 2782-2435 (Print),
ISSN 2782-2621 (Online)
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Search results: 50 articles
Search string: economic development of China
Authors Title Volume Issue Year
1 Цивилев С. Е. Strategizing Directions for Agglomeration Effects 4 3 2024
2 Журавлев Д. М., Чаадаев В. К. Strategizing for Productivity Growth in Digital Economy 4 3 2024
3 Дядик В. В. Groundwork for Strategizing Urban Competitiveness 4 2 2024
4 Никоноров С. М., Папенов К. В. , Цзя Ивэнь Strategic Development of Green Financing in China 4 2 2024
5 Власюк Л. И. Economic and Mathematical Support for Regional and Sectoral Strategizing 4 1 2024
6 Аганбегян А. Г. Foreign Experience in Strategizing Accelerated Socio-Economic Development and Options for Its Application in Russia 4 1 2024
7 Тищенко Е. Б, Славянцев М. В. Strategic Coordination of BRICS Construction Complex under Data Economy Challenge 4 1 2024
8 Сапир Ж. Strategic View: why Forecasters were Wrong on Russian Growth for 2022 and 2023, and why they pr obably will be for 2024 4 1 2024
9 Астапов К. Л. Innovative Strategizing for Sustainable Development: Russian Patterns 3 4 2023
10 Тищенко Е. Б, Славянцев М. В. Strategizing the Interoperability between Scientific Thought Centers in Russia and Africa 3 4 2023
11 Кузнецова К. В. , Кузнецова К. В. , Воронин В. Ю. Target Indicators in Monitoring the Strategy Implementation 3 4 2023
12 Сасаев Н. И. Analysis of the Strategic Approach to Industrial Development in Russia 3 3 2023
13 Новикова И. В., Се К. National Strategic Planning for the Digital Economy: a Competitive Analysis on material of China and Russia 3 3 2023
14 Савкин П. А. , Корчагина И. В. Strategic Priorities for the Production of Industrial Equipment in the New Economic Conditions 3 3 2023
15 Макаров В. Л. , Бахтизин А. Р. , Сушко Е. Д. The national strategic power of countries, international trade and the economic success of countries in an unstable world 3 3 2023
16 Тищенко Е. Б, Славянцев М. В. Cross-Country Coordination of Reindustrialization: Cooperation Potential between Russia and Egypt 3 2 2023
17 Назаренко Т. С., Новикова И. В. Digital Transformation of Public Administration as a Strategic Public Value 3 2 2023
18 Мидов А. З. Strategizing and Conceptualizing the Regional Exit from Subsidized Economy 3 2 2023
19 Чхотуа И. З., Мурадов А. А. Tourism Development in Modern Conditions: Global and National Trends 3 2 2023
20 Федулова Е. А., Стародубцева А. К. , Вервейн Д. Р. Digital Development of Financial Ecosystems: Strategic Issues 3 1 2023
21 Никоноров С. М., Рябова Е. С. Economic and Legal Mechanisms of Economic Decarbonization in Russia: Strategic Guidelines 3 1 2023
22 Журавлев Д. М., Чаадаев В. К. Modeling the Processes of a Complex Socio-Economic System and Strategic Development Priorities 3 1 2023
23 Алабина Т. А., Мищенко В. В. Region as a Complex Economic and Social System and an Object of Strategizing: Case of the Kemer ovo Region – Kuzbass 3 1 2023
24 Шмелева Н. В. Strategizing the Development Potential of the Russian Arctic: Import Phase-Out 3 1 2023
25 Цивилева А. Е., Голубев С. С. Methodology of Strategic Management of Coal Mining Enterprises in an Emergency Period 2 4 2022
26 Корецкий А. С. Strategic Priority Directions of Library Development: The Russian State Library 2 4 2022
27 Никоноров С. М., Кривичев А. И., Насонов А. Н., Цветков И. В. Development Strategizing of Urban Systems Based on Multifractal Dynamics 2 3 2022
28 Пятаева О. А. Sectoral Innovation Policy as a Set of Strategic Tools and Mechanisms of Innovative Development 2 3 2022
29 Гаврилюк А. В. Strategic Opportunities for the Development of Innovative Ecosystem 2 3 2022
30 Ван Ю., Новикова И. В. Strategic Planning of China’s Economic Development 2 3 2022
31 Мидов А. З. Strategizing the Exit from Subsidized Economy in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 2 3 2022
32 Шацкая И. В. Global Trends in Improving the System of Personnel Support for Innovative Development 2 2 2022
33 Гаврилюк А. В. Strategy of Transition to a New Level of Technological Development of the Economy 2 2 2022
34 Шабалина А. Е. Value Orientations in the Strategy of a Youth Project Leader 2 2 2022
35 Никоноров С. М., Папенов К. В. , Талавринов В. А. Business Transition to ESG-Strategies: Innovative Approaches in Russian and International Experience 2 1 2022
36 Турдиев Т.И. Strategic Ideas of V.L. Kvint’s Amir Timur and His Strategic Leadership: Notes on the Code (Series “Library of the Strategist”) 2 1 2022
37 Морозова Ю. А. Strategic priorities for regional health development in the context of world and industry trends 2 1 2022
38 Евдокимов Д. С., Кравченко Д. С. Automated Control Systems as a Strategic Tool for Decision Making and Forecasting in a tate-Planned Economy 1 2 2021
39 Калинский О. И., Исаева Н. А. Diagnosing the Business Development during Strategizing 1 2 2021
40 Шамахов В. Fifteen-year strategy and fifty-year perspective in the nine-volume Kuzbass Strategy Library 1 2 2021
41 Алимурадов М. К. Interregional Competition for Strategic Economic Factors 1 2 2021
42 Квинт В. Л., Астапов К. Л. Kuzbass Strategy over 50-year Planning Horizon: Publications on Strategy of the Kuzbass Region 1 2 2021
43 Бодрунов С. Д. Noonomy as a Strategical Project 1 2 2021
44 Чхотуа И. З., Власюк Л. И. Strategic Analysis of the Region's Competitive Advantages in the Context of Industrial Tourism Development 1 2 2021
45 Мирзиёева C. Ш. Strategic Roadmap in Five Priority Development Areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017–2021: Strategizing of Socio-Economic Processes 1 2 2021
46 Сасаев Н. И. Strategizing of the Russian Far East Gas Industry: Systematization of Main Interests 1 2 2021
47 Журавлев Д. М. Economic Systems and Digital Transformation in the Kemerovo region: A Strategic Study of Conditions and Readiness Assessment 1 1 2021
48 Астапов К. Л. Kuzbass Economy: Regional Digital Platforms as a Modernization Strategy 1 1 2021
49 Сасаев Н. И. Kuzbass Trade and Transport Hub: Strategic Relevance for Sectoral and Regional Development 1 1 2021
50 Растворцева С. Н., Панина Е. В. Strategic Priorities for the Development of Social Capital in the Regions of Russia 1 1 2021